Shipping and returns

Last updated: 2021-03-04

return policy

When returning an item, it must be postmarked within 30 days of the purchase date. All returned items must be in new and unused condition. If you’ve opened the bag and tried it on once, that’s okay.


Within the EU, returns are free of charge.

For international customers we unfortunately cannot offer free returns. The return shipping cost will be deducted from your refund amount, with the exception of damaged items or error on our part.

return process

To return an item, fill out the return form.

We will contact you with a return label and estimated value. Once we’ve received your return, we will check the item to make sure it’s in good condition, and if so will refund you the purchase price of the returned item.


After receiving your return and inspecting the condition of your item, we will process your return. Please give us at least 14 days from the day we receive your item to process your return. Refunds can take 1-2 work days to appear on your credit card statement, depending on your credit card company. We will notify you by email when your return has been processed.


If you have received a defective or damaged product, please fill out the return form and tell us about the issue in the message field. Thanks.

Note that items bought on sale cannot be returned.


We ship worldwide except for the UK.

Free shipping

We offer free shipping on all orders over 400SEK / €40 within the EU.

Shipping method updated